This paper introduces some DFM methods related to PCB through-hole insertion in PCB production
Introduction to the wiring arrangement and reasonable layout of PCB devices on the PCB board
一、PCB覆銅板隨著電子產(chǎn)品向輕、薄、小、高密度、多功能方向發(fā)展,印制電路板上元器件的組裝密度和集成度越來越高,功耗也越來越高, 對PCB基板的散熱要求越來越迫切。 如果基板散熱不好,會導致印刷電路板...
This article is about the introduction of PCB CCL board level in the production of PCB companies?
PCBA proofing is the most frequently asked question in our customer consultation. Can you make sampl...
PCBA proofing refers to the trial production of printed circuit boards before mass production. It is...
Did you know that almost every gadget or electronic device you use in your daily life has a basic co...
SMT machining technology has become a major application field of SMT process, and different processe...
印刷電路板將金屬層置于單獨的布線層上,因此各層之間的從屬連接必不可少。 為了達到層間連接的目的,需要采用錯孔的方法形成通路,并在孔壁上做成可靠的導體,才能完成電氣或信號的連接。 自通孔電鍍問世以來,幾...
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